Datum:09.09.12 v. 08.09.2012: RC’s Dr. Eric Steig boreholes himself on Antarctica
Details1:This is something that needs wider circulation, hence its appearance here. I’ve been mulling over how to best present this, and decided there’s nothing I could do in the way of excerpts that still told the story effectively, so I decided to present it in full. I’m pretty sure Jeff won’t mind. Readers may recall Steig et al 2009 and its cover picture on Nature saying the whole of Antarctica is warming, and the skeptic response paper O’Donnel et al 2010 response demonstrating conclusively that the peninsula is warming, but the whole of the continent is not. The reason for this is the same flawed PCA flawed statistical methodology, similar to what was used by Mann to create the Hockey Stick. Jeff Condon, co-author of O’Donnell et al 2010 tells the story at his Air Vent blog. Andrew Montford also has a post on it where he opines about the Steig et al 2009 paper possibly being included in IPCC AR5. – Anthony

Proof and Genius

Posted by Jeff Condon

I know you guys missed me, Real Climate sure did. Eric Steig has written a letter to “The Guardian” (booming voice) in response to a Nic Lewis letter patiently explaining problems in an article written by yet-another-know-nothing with a keyboard. Unfortunately for us, the article itself has been updated in response so we can’t read the original. What is interesting about the exchange is Dr. Steig’s wild reply.


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